Children and Babies
Ask any mum, and she will be able to explain to you the pressures that both she and baby are subjected to during the birthing process!
Sometimes, things can get jammed up, and if left unresolved can impact on the body’s capacity to develop and grow naturally. Over the years, our therapy has proven very effective in helping a wide variety of children with their imbalances – including colic, digestive issues, sleeping disorders, behavioural problems, learning disorders including ADHD and ADD, eczema and other skin imbalances, bed wetting, stress, weight issues, headaches, growing pains, juvenile arthritis and back problems to name just a few.
Studies undertaken at our clinic have proven that our therapy can help enormously in the area of Special Educational Needs. Case studies have shown that nearly all of these children manifest either cranial restrictions, spinal imbalances, or indeed both. It is our belief that many of these imbalances are present from the trauma of the birth process.
It is not too hard to imagine how a small pressure applied to a developing cranium could possibly cause all kinds of physical and emotional turmoil. As the child gets older, these pressures gradually increase and can inhibit normal learning patterns, leading to an increase in frustration and associated behavioural patterns. Release those pressures, and you take pressure off of the central nervous system.
Through Education, we constantly try to work closer with conventional medical practitioners and other allied professionals to make them aware of these concepts. it is far too important not to for the greater good of the World’s children.